Stability of Evviva® Products

EVVIVA® products are tested to predict their bioavailability in the intestinal tract responsible for absorption with an in vitro method which consists of 3 enzymatic incubation steps.

The table shows how much active substance remains unabsorbed during the different stages of digestion, comparing EVVIVA® FULL OMEGA 3 (Microencapsulated) to a similar product protected with another system.

In phase T3, only 1.5% of the active substance in EVVIVA® FULL OMEGA 3 remains undigested while the rest was properly absorbed in the intestine. With other protection systems, up to 49% of active substance remains unabsorbed.

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STEPConc.% Of undigested active substance EVVIVA® FULL OMEGA 3 | MicroencapsulatedConc.% Of active substance UNDIGESTED | protected with other technologies

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Credits: Smart Mix